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Giving back

a home in India

Pictures: Rolinda Windhorst

Pictures: Rolinda Windhorst

We are grateful that we can shape our lives by creating beautiful and sustainable products that ignite the imagination. At the same time, we are aware of the inequality in the world. In 2016, Romy became acquainted with the NGO Karm Marg in Faridabad, India.

Karm Marg is a home that provides shelter to underprivileged children and youth and teaches them self-sufficiency. It offers a warm and stimulating environment for 30 to 40 children of different ages. Since its establishment in 1997, multiple generations have been raised with love and care, so they can build an independent life as adults and contribute to society.

Pictures made during our last visit in spring 2022

For six years now, Studio ROOF has been donating 5% of the sales from its Christmas collection to Karm Marg through the Dutch NGO SCOMI. In 2019, Romy joined the foundation’s board to assist with fundraising efforts.

Normally, the board members of SCOMI visit Karm Marg annually (at their own expense) to have personal contact with the management and children on-site. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this hasn’t been possible for several years, but in May 2022, a small delegation from SCOMI and Studio ROOF was able to travel to Faridabad to celebrate the home’s 25th anniversary.

From Studio ROOF, Anaël Patry – studio manager -, Ines Beeftink – art director -, and Rolinda Windhorst – photographer – went to Karm Marg to conduct various workshops for the children. They made festive garlands from leftover materials, created two huge peacock wings on the wall, and allowed the children to photograph each other using Rolinda’s professional equipment. In short, it was an unforgettable week!

Would you like to contribute?

You can donate directly through SCOMI. All contributions, big or small, are greatly appreciated!

Want to learn more?
Watch the short film created by Karm Marg themselves.
Visit Karm Marg’s Instagram or Facebook page or read the recent report on SCOMI’s visit in February 2023.

The people behind Karm Marg


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